500g strong flour
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
280g jar of sundried tomatoes in oil
1 small tablespoon fennel seeds
1 sachet fast acting yeast
300ml tepid water
Mix the flour, salt, sugar, fennel seeds and yeast.
Chop the sundried tomatoes and add to the flour mix with 2 tablespoons of the sundried tomato oil. Add the water, mix and knead to a dough. It should be moist but not too sticky.
Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a clean cloth to prove (expand) until doubled in size.
Lightly knead/knock back the dough again and then place into a bread tin. Cover with a cloth or greased clingfilm and allow to prove (expand) once again. When risen bake at 180c for 30 minutes.