Our Mission
One of The Lake Hotel’s key selling points is its natural surroundings; nestled on the lakeshore, overlooking the renowned Lakes of Killarney, with a stunning background of mountains and woodlands, surrounded by nature.
At The Lake Hotel we recognise our responsibility to preserve the natural beauty of our surrounding areas. We are passionate about the environment and we want to help minimise the affects tourism has on our landscapes and reduce the carbon footprint for generations to come.
Eco-friendly Management
We are conscious of the impact the day to day running of our business may have on the environment and are highly committed to constantly looking at ways to curtail the effects our industry may have on our climate.
We are dedicated to implementing changes that will protect the environment and are proactively seeking ways to conserve natural resources and to minimise wastage of raw materials and energy. We are continually reviewing our sustainability progress and enhancing our environmental policies.
Ongoing Commitment
As part of this ongoing commitment,
- We have recently installed solar panels. Covering the flat roof of the hotel in
solar panels allows us to generate renewable electricity.
- We have 8 electric car charging ports in our hotel car park.
- We have invested heavily in improved insulation and new thermostats, allowing us to reduce energy consumption.
- We have switched to a renewable energy source and upgraded to a more energy efficient boiler system.
- Our lighting has been upgraded to LED, improving energy efficiency.
- We use recyclable materials and recyclable products where possible throughout the hotel.
- We aim to reduce water consumption and encourage guests to do the same.
- The Lake Hotel water comes from a natural well where the water is filtered down via 300 ft of limestone rock. No chemicals are used to treat the water. Water is tested and certified twice per year.
- The hotel has planted over 1700 trees, providing a sanctuary for wildlife in the area.
- The hotel grounds are a haven of refuge for native fauna such as white tailed sea eagles, badgers, foxes, pine marten, red deer, otters, swans, and many common and rare species of birds.
- We facilitate the National Parks and Wildlife survey.
- We have designated rewilding areas and segments where we "don't mow, let it grow" allowing habitat for wildlife and pollinators.
- We have our own Lake hotel bees, producing Lake Hotel honey. Our beehives support pollination and enhance biodversity.
- Our Lake Hotel Garden supplies many of the herbs and vegetables used in our menus. We are commited to sourcing our ingredients from as many local suppliers as possible.
- We have 3 robot lawnmowers reducing emmisions and eliminating noise pollution.